President: Gregory Tayor
Vice President: Dr. Karyn Meadows
Secretary/Treasurer: Ron Charron
Board Members
Philip Burke
Mehdi El-Kheddiwi
Ladson Fishburne
April Gift
Heather Levine
Bob Peiffer
Janet Rose
Program Directors
John Farrelly
Past Board Member/Supporter
Cindy Babb
Jennifer Baez
Bob Stevens
Mike Ward
LYTA Board Members & Team
Click on the photo or name to see the member’s biography.
Heather Levine
Board MemberBiographical Info
Service to others is a core value and responsibility in the Levine household. Volunteerism is a way of life for her. Previous and current volunteer activities include volunteering with child literacy programs, serving on the executive board of her PTA, and as a coaching captain for her local Junior Team Tennis team. Professionally, she works as an educator because she believes that promoting the well-being of our youth is of the utmost importance. Since tennis has brought so much joy to her family, she hopes to help make tennis accessible to more children and families in our community.